hello internet,
I know, it was kinda lame starting a post with “hello internet” but I didn’t know how to start it plus i don’t even know who could be reading this haha.
So, my name is #$*!&$@”#, and I’m a portuguese, 24 year old, 3rd year (almost done finally) college student. I’m a little shy and introverted and suffer with anxiety (wow first time actually writing this in my whole life), tho it has gotten much better with the help of therapy and my loving boyfriend, and since you don’t know my name I will also say that I am male and my pronouns are he/him.
This blog is really just so I have somewhere where I can vent my thoughts and doubts and problems and sometimes leave some texts that i end up writing in my spare time, think of this place as a place where i come to do brain dumps and relax, nothing ever relaxed me more than writing.
So yeah, I guess this is it for now, don't know if anyone will EVER see this but if you're reading this,
until next time.